Bail Bond Answers Presents Answers To Your Questions About Bail Bonds And The Criminal Justice System

I Did Not Hit My Girlfriend But I Still Got Arrested?

I Did Not Hit My Girlfriend But I Still Got Arrested?

Ray Hrdlicka – Bail Agent – Bail Bond Cowboys

“Hi, Ray Hrdlicka. Bail Bond Cowboys. This happens a lot. Maybe not this exact scenario, but pretty doggone close, okay? We get a call and the guy says, ‘hey, I was fighting with my girlfriend’. Many times it’s a family member, let’s say a Mom calling and saying, ‘my son was fighting with his girlfriend and he was trying to leave the apartment, and the door hit her as he was closing it, as he was running out’. Something happened along those lines, and guess what? The police were already called from the neighbors. They get there, they arrest him. It frequently happens.

Now, the question that you have to us is…what happens now? Well, first, he’s going to get arrested, you’re going to have to bail him out. Domestic violence. He’s not going to be released on his own. Okay, so you’re going to have to bail him out. Whether or not the court case proceeds is another matter. The DA’s going to look at the case and say, ‘is it a provable case?’ Is it something that justifies the time of the county, the DA, the police department, the sheriff’s department, whoever showed up and arrested your son. Is it reasonable, is it something we want to pursue? They’re going to have to make that decision based upon how the police report is written.

So, there’s two issues here. First, what are you going to do when he’s in jail? You’re going to bail him out. And then, is the court case going to proceed? So, if I may so bold as to make a prediction here, many times, situations like that, he didn’t hit the girl, he didn’t have an issue…we have seen, in the past, where the case has been dismissed or the charges have been reduced to something of a misdemeanor, or probation if you go to domestic violence classes, and then it’s waived. If you do some classes and then the case is dismissed. There’s all sorts of variables and scenarios that the Judge can place in here. But it is a much better situation for you, Mom, son, even the girlfriend, than if there was physical violence within the fight.

So, that situation is a better situation for you to be able to get him out of jail, let him move forward in his life, and hopefully the situation will resolve itself, on its own accord, as time goes on, with the District Attorney. Let us find out for you exactly what happened.

So give us a call. Ray Hrdlicka. Bail Bond Cowboys.