Bail Bond Answers Presents Answers To Your Questions About Bail Bonds And The Criminal Justice System

What Are The Usual Terms And Conditions Of Probation?

What Are The Usual Terms And Conditions Of Probation?

Bail Bond Cowboys wants the public to have answers to the myriad of questions that surround the criminal justice system and your constitutional rights. We bring those answers to you in the form of video interviews by Attorneys.Media of legal experts in your area and across the country.

Ray Hrdlicka – Host – Attorneys.Media

“What are the usual terms and conditions of probation, and that’s the usual terms and conditions, but then what are some of the extreme or unusual terms and conditions that you’ve had experience with?”

Andrew Dósa – Criminal Defense Attorney – Alameda County, CA

“Well, the most typical are being of good conduct, first. The second, obeying all laws. Or some, like a DUI client, there may be a requirement that they not go to an establishment whose sole business is the serving of alcohol.”

Ray Hrdlicka – Host – Attorneys.Media

“It’s like a restraining order against them, which restricts them from going to a bar.”

Andrew Dósa – Criminal Defense Attorney – Alameda County, CA

“Correct. And for some, it is that you cannot drink.”

Ray Hrdlicka – Host – Attorneys.Media

“That extreme?”

Andrew Dósa – Criminal Defense Attorney – Alameda County, CA


Ray Hrdlicka – Host – Attorneys.Media


Andrew Dósa – Criminal Defense Attorney – Alameda County, CA

“Yes. There are now, certain types of monitoring programs akin to the bracelet, the electronic monitoring bracelet, that can do, can theoretically detect alcohol in somebody’s system. Which is an extraordinary intrusion. But if the person can’t drink at all, and the person then drinks, and drinks too much, and then gets in a car, then you understand why that requirement would be there. Another common condition of probation for DUI’s is the ignition interlock device.