Bail Bond Answers Presents Answers To Your Questions About Bail Bonds And The Criminal Justice System

If I Don’t Bail Them Out, Will They Get Released On Their Own?

If I Don’t Bail Them Out, Will They Get Released On Their Own?

Ray Hrdlicka – Bail Agent – Bail Bond Cowboys

“Okay, so the question you may is…’if I don’t bail him out with you, if I don’t call you and get him out of jail, will he get released on his own?’ Now that’s a good question, because of course you won’t have to pay us a fee, but there’s lots of things to consider with that question.  What has he been charged with?  Is it a violent crime?  Is it a victimless crime?  Is there a flight risk?  Does he have a job?  What are his ties to the community?

The purpose of bail is to ensure the person appears in court.  To be released on bail, he has to ensure, the judge, he has to ensure that the person is going to appear in court.  And if there’s a flight risk, if there’s a potential harm to the community, he’s not going to release him on his own.  It’s that simple.  If it was a physical violence issue…probably not going to be released on his own.  If it’s a drug issue, and there are priors…probably not going to be released on his own.  I mean, even though there’s a situation with the jails, right now in terms of overcrowding…everybody knows about that… the judges and the sheriff’s department, the jails, are not going to release somebody who is a danger to the community, they’re going to want somebody to be responsible for them, they’re not going to release them on their own recognizance.  So those are the things to consider when you’re making a decision…should I bail him out, or should I see if he gets released?”